Sunday, December 23, 2012

Choosing Your Commander - Orzhov

Next up is the black/white color combination.  Often seen as the most diametrically opposed color pairing, black and white actually have a lot of things the do very similarly.  Both colors are good at eliminating creatures with both pinpoint effects and mass removal, both colors gain life (albeit in different ways), and both colors are very interested in reanimating creatures (again, done in different ways).  With only four possibilities, there isn't very much depth to choose from and unfortunately none of the choices is truly outstanding.  Of the ones available, only Ghost Council really looks interesting for making a deck around.

Ghost Council of Orzhova:  Ghost Council is known best for what he doesn't do in that he doesn't stick around when you set off one of the dozens of Wrath effects that black and white have available.  In the process, he pings an opponent when he pops back into play ready to do it again given enough sacrificial fodder laying around.  Cards like Sacred Mesa and the normally awful Security Detail become quite ueful in making sure that Ghost Dad is fat and happy, but there are also lots of good token making permanents in Bitterblossom, Mobilization and Infernal Genesis.

Selenia, Dark Angel:  Cool name, decent card, not a good commander.

Teysa, Orzhov Scion:  So playing with an effect that makes all your creatures black (Darkest Hour comes to mind) will mean that when your creatures die she will always produce 1/1 Spirits and that even when those 1/1 Spirits die she will continue to spit out spirits.  Darkest Hour turns off the first ability, but really who cares once you can amass a giant Spirit army.  Its a cool interaction that may be interesting to include in a larger deck (perhaps a Ghost Council deck that has a built-in sac outlet), but I don't think there is enough there to warrant building an entire deck around it.

Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter:  A protected Vish Kal can be very dangerous.  Having Flying and Lifelink is pretty good, and combined with the power to grow with every sacrifice you give him makes him a candidate for dealing 21 general damage pretty quickly.

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