Thursday, March 15, 2012

Welcome to Mastering Commander!

Hello everyone... or perhaps nobody at all.  Welcome to my little spot on the internet where I can post my thoughts, ideas, decklists, rants, raves and profound nuggets of half-truth and semi-knowledge about the Commander format for Magic: the Gathering. 

My goal is to systematically go through the enormous pool of cards and possibilities and develop a ton of decks, lists of cards that fall into a particular theme, and cards that work well with certain Commanders at the helm.  With over 14,000 cards available it seems inevitable that we might discover a few things along the way.

I also plan on commenting on new card sets and their impact on Commander, updates to the banned list, and maybe even the occasional story.

So stay tuned as I start first with a few articles on Commander selection, followed by an "Alpha to Zendikar" review of each previous MTG set for Commander play.

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